By: Cory Groshek
compost compost pickup Compost Pickup day compost pickup service Compost Pickup time compost service composting curbside compost curbside compost pickup Curbside Compost Pickup day curbside compost pickup service Curbside Compost Pickup time curbside pickup Fox 11 Fox 11 News Fox News Fox11 Fox11 News Gabriella Premus GB Compost GBCompost Green Bay compost Greener Bay Compost Greener Bay Compost in the news Greener Bay Compost on Fox Greener Bay Compost on Fox 11 Greener Bay Compost on Fox 11 News Greener Bay Compost on Fox News Greener Bay Compost on the news
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Today, Greener Bay Compost was featured on Fox11 news, in a story by Gabriella Premus, which focused heavily on Greener Bay Compost’s first Annual Pumpkin Drive, which saw the company visit over 90 different households and save several tons of pumpkins, gourds, straw bales, and corn stalks from ending up in landfill. ENJOY!
Read the story on here:
By: Cory Groshek
compost compost pickup Compost Pickup day compost pickup service Compost Pickup time compost service composting curbside compost curbside compost pickup Curbside Compost Pickup day curbside compost pickup service Curbside Compost Pickup time curbside pickup GB Compost GBCompost Green Bay compost Greener Bay Compost
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Going forward, our Bucket Swap/Compost Pickup days will remain on Sundays, however, our pickup routes will now begin at 8 AM, rather than 10 AM.
Additionally, we will now be sending out all of our Bucket Swap/Compost Pickup email reminders to anyone who has signed up for them on the Saturdays prior to the Swaps/Pickups being done, rather than on the morning of them.
Please note: If you haven’t already signed up for our email reminder list and would like to do so, you may do so through any of the Events pages listed at, where you will find a sign-up form you can enter your email address into, or you can simply email us at or and let us know you’d like to sign up and we will manually add you.
The reason for the above change is that we’ve concluded, based on our experience serving 37 subscribers (12 of whom were new) yesterday, it will be impossible for us to get all of our scheduled Bucket Swaps/Compost Pickups done in one day (prior to sunset) unless we start performing them a few hours earlier.
On that note, please note that, in the future, we may need to make further adjustments to our Bucket Swap/Compost Pickup schedules, depending on the number of subscribers we have, where our subscribers are located, what time of year it is, etc., especially as our business continues to rapidly grow and expand.
While we are currently able to get all of our Bucket Swaps/Compost Pickups done in one day each week (currently every Sunday), the time may come soon when we will need to split our Bucket Swaps/Compost Pickups into multiple days (for example, Sundays and Mondays). We anticipate that we will need to do a split schedule like this if we reach somewhere near 100 subscribers (currently, we are at 54).
In conclusion, we’d like to say THANK YOU for your patience with us during this time of explosive growth for Greener Bay Compost, which we surely have you and the rest of our subscribers to thank for! Also, please accept our sincerest apologies if you were in any way inconvenienced by us performing your Bucket Swap/Compost Pickup far later in the day yesterday than usual. Rest assured, we are taking all the necessary steps to ensure that we can continue to provide excellent service to you and all of our subscribers.
If you have any questions or concerns about the above-mentioned changes, or anything else, for that matter, please do not hesitate to email us back at or contact us through our Contact form located at
By: Cory Groshek
compost compost pickup Compost Pickup day compost pickup service Compost Pickup time compost service composting curbside compost curbside compost pickup Curbside Compost Pickup day curbside compost pickup service Curbside Compost Pickup time curbside pickup GB Compost GBCompost Green Bay compost Greener Bay Compost Greener Bay Compost in the news Greener Bay Compost on NBC Greener Bay Compost on NBC26 Greener Bay Compost on the news Jenna Bree JennaBreeTV NBC 26 NBC 26 News nbc26 NBC26 News
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Today, Greener Bay Compost was featured on NBC26 news, in a story by Jenna Bree, which focused heavily on why our founder, Cory Groshek, started Greener Bay Compost and what the company is all about. The story also features short interviews with one of our good friends, Daniela Beall, the Sustainability Coordinator at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, and one of our subscribers, Marianne Oates! ENJOY!
Read the story on here:
Read the story on here:
Read the story on here:
Watch the story on YouTube here:
Watch the story on Facebook here:
By: Cory Groshek
compost compost pickup compost pickup service compost service composting curbside compost curbside compost pickup curbside compost pickup service curbside pickup GB Compost GBC Rewards GBCompost Green Bay compost Greener Bay Compost Greener Bay Compost Rewards Greener Bay Compost Rewards Program Greener Bay Compost Rewards Programs Loyalty & Waste Reduction Rewards Program Loyalty and Waste Reduction Rewards Program Loyalty Rewards Loyalty Rewards Program Referral Rewards Referral Rewards Program Rewards Rewards Program Subscriber Rewards Program Waste Reduction Rewards Waste Reduction Rewards Program
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At Greener Bay Compost, we are proud to share with you the following two huge announcements!
First, we have officially launched our Loyalty and Waste Reduction Rewards Program, to not only reward subscribers for their loyalty to us, but also for diverting as much of their organic, would-be waste as possible from landfill to our compost piles.
The way this program works is simple:
For every 15 pounds of organic, would-be waste our subscribers place in their compost buckets (not including the weight of our buckets, lids, and BioBag compostable bucket liners), our subscribers will earn one pound of finished compost, which is like “black gold” for gardens of all kinds!
The only catch is that for our subscribers to be eligible to claim this finished compost, they must remain a subscriber of ours for at least six months.
Please note: Signing up for one of our 6-Months-Paid-in-Full Plans, in and of itself, does not render a subscriber eligible for finished compost. Only spending at least six full, consecutive months of Curbside Compost Pickup Services from us, with no breaks in service, will render a subscriber eligible for finished compost.
We anticipate having finished compost ready to give out come early Spring of 2022, so if you’re not yet a subscriber of ours and would like to get in on some our amazing finished compost, you will want to make sure you subscribe to one of our Curbside Compost Pickup Plans no later than the end of September or October, 2021, so as to ensure you’ve been a subscriber of ours for long enough to qualify for said compost, prior to Spring planting time!
The same goes for friends, family members, and/or co-workers you may have been trying to convince to also sign up with us. If you’ve been having trouble convincing them to sign up with us based on the benefits of our services to our environment and community alone, now you have a whole new, much more personally beneficial incentive you can tell them about!
Please note: Because we have been weighing our subscribers full buckets since the inception of our business, all existing subscribers of ours will be receiving retroactive credit for the poundage they have already provided to us in weeks past, toward their future finished compost.
To make it easy for our existing subscribers to keep track of how many months of service they’ve had with us, how much organic, would-be waste they’ve included in their bucket, how many pounds of finished compost they’ve earned, and how many pounds of finished compost they’ve claimed, we will be creating personal Rewards Program webpages for each of our subscribers, which they can visit, with no login necessary. Existing subscribers can expect a separate email from us in the days ahead with links to these webpages.
Please note that we understand that not all of our subscribers are gardeners and therefore may have little to no need for the finished compost they may earn from us. As such, any subscribers who earns finished compost will have a several options with regards to what can be done with said compost:
Further to the point about telling friends, family members, and/or co-workers about us, we are also proud to announce that, in conjunction with our Loyalty and Waste Reduction Rewards Program, we have launched our Referral Rewards Program, which will see our existing subscribers earn a pound of finished compost for every new subscriber they refer to us who signs up for one of our Month-to-Month Curbside Compost Pickup plans, or a five pounds of finished compost for every new subscriber who signs up for one of our 6-Months-Paid-in-Full Curbside Compost Pickup plans, regardless of how many months of service the referring subscriber has had with us.
To facilitate this Referral Rewards Program, we have added a “Referred By” field to our subscription forms at To ensure you get credit for referring your friends, family members, and/or co-workers to us, please be sure to emphasize to such individuals the importance of naming you in this field, so we will know who we owe finished compost to.
If for some reason a friend, family member, or co-worker you’ve referred to us neglects to put your name in the “Referred By” field, simply have them Contact Us at to let us know who referred them, and we will make sure you get credit for the referral.
Please note: The aforementioned, individual Rewards Program webpages we will be creating for our existing subscribers will also contain details on how many others our subscribers have referred to us, how many pounds of finished compost they’ve earned based on their referrals, and how much of this finished compost they’ve claimed.
Having said all of the above, it is important to note that finished compost from Greener Bay Compost is always subject to availability. In other words, it is possible that we will be unable to provide finished compost to our subscribers, even when they’ve earned it and are eligible to claim it, due to a lack of said compost being in existence.
Should finished compost not be available at the time subscribers who are eligible to claim it make a claim to it, such subscribers will retain the right claim said compost at its earliest availability, and we will do our best here at Greener Bay Compost to keep all our subscribers informed as to availability of finished compost via, email, and social media. Furthermore, we will provide said compost to eligible subscribers in the order in which we’ve received claims for said compost.
Should we have finished compost leftover after providing the amount of it we owe to our subscribers who have earned it, we will then endeavor to sell this leftover compost at a tentative price of $1.50 per pound, and anyone who would like to purchase this compost, whether a subscriber of ours or not, will be able to do so through, on a first-come, first-serve basis.
If you have any questions or concerns about either of our new Rewards Programs, please do not hesitate to contact us using any of the contact options available at or visit for more details! And thank you, as always, for helping us make Green Bay a little greener every day!
By: Cory Groshek
compost compost pickup compost pickup service compost service composting curbside compost curbside compost pickup curbside pickup deadline GB Compost GBCompost Green Bay compost Greener Bay Compost sign up deadline subscription deadline
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We are thrilled to announce that we had ELEVEN sign-ups for our Curbside Compost Pickup Services in just the last 48 hours!
Thank you to Marianne O., Beth H., Diane S., Holly & Matthew B., Jo S., Linnea Z., Marian B.R., Michelle J., Denise H., Dan F., and Nancy M. for your participation and for helping to make Green Bay a little bit greener every day!
Having said that, we wanted to make sure that everyone else who hasn’t signed up yet (especially those of you who’ve provided us your email addresses in the last several weeks and expressed an interest in signing up) that the deadline to sign up by, to receive your FIRST BUCKET from us this coming Sunday, August 8th, 2021, is 5:00 PM Central Standard Time (CST) this coming Saturday, August 7th, 2021.
If you make payment at to sign up by the above deadline, you will get your first bucket this coming Sunday. If you miss that deadline, the earliest we can get you your first bucket will be the following Sunday, August 15th, 2021.
If you’d like to view a schedule of our upcoming Bucket Swap/Compost Pickup days, please visit
If you have any questions, check out our FAQs page at or Contact Us using our information at
By: Cory Groshek
bucket drop-off bucket dropoff bucket pickup bucket swap compost compost pickup compost pickup service compost service composting curbside compost curbside compost pickup curbside compost pickup service curbside pickup GB Compost GBCompost Green Bay compost Greener Bay Compost
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We at Greener Bay Compost are thrilled to announce that this website,, has just gone live, which means that after a month of feverishly setting up this site and obtaining all of the things necessary for us to start Green Bay, Wisconsin’s first-ever Curbside Compost Pickup Service, we are ready to start taking on subscribers!
If you’d like to learn more about us as a company, you can visit
If you’d like to see what services we are currently offering, or sign up for our services, you can visit’
If you have any questions or concerns, you can either review our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) at or Contact Us, by using any of the contact options available at
Our initial Bucket Swap day is scheduled for this coming Sunday, August 8, 2021. If you sign up with us by no later than 5:00 PM Central Standard Time (CST) the day prior, we can get you your first bucket then, otherwise, if you miss that deadline, we’ll be happy to start serving you the following Sunday, or whenever you’re ready! For a list of all future, schedule Bucket Swap/Compost Pickups of ours, please visit
If you haven’t already, be sure to follow/like us on Facebook and Instagram!