If you’ve reached this page, congratulations! This means your payment to us was successful. Please keep an eye out for an emailed receipt you should be receiving from us, via Stripe (our secure payment processor), and make sure to check your spam folder for it, as our emails will sometimes be considered as spam by your email service (especially if you haven’t emailed with us or Stripe before).

Please note: You should Contact Us to make arrangements with us to meet us at our agreed upon swap/pickup location, on a date and at a time that all parties agree to.


We love having you as a subscriber and are very much looking forward to performing your extra Bucket Swap/Compost Pickup shortly!

Would you like emailed reminders before your scheduled Bucket Swaps/Compost Pickups to help you remember to put your buckets outside for us? If so, please enter your email below.

* indicates required

A few important things to note:

If you need to update/change the card number, expiration date, and/or CVC code associated with the credit or debit card you’ve used to sign up for our services, cancel your subscription(s), or view a copy of any invoices/receipts associated with your subscription(s), you can do so by visiting our Manage My Subscription page.

Please note: If you use our Manage My Subscription page, you will need to enter the email you signed up with and will then receive an email from gbcompost@gmail.com, which will provide you with a security code that you must enter to access your subscription information.

When you enter the code, you will be taken to a subscription self-management page where you can make any or all of the updates/changes as described above.

If you have any trouble using our subscription self-management options, or if you’d like to us manually cancel your subscription or have us email or mail you a receipt for it, please Contact Us.

Regarding next steps:

Please note: All buckets you receive from us will come with a lid on top and contain a compostable bucket liner, with a handful of sawdust, wood shavings, etc. in the bottom, to absorb moisture and help control odor.

While you are waiting for your bucket, we highly recommend you visit our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page, if you haven’t done so already, to find any answers to common questions we are asked about us and our services. Also, you may want to familiarize yourself with our Rewards Programs, including our Loyalty & Waste Reduction Rewards Program, which rewards you with finished compost based on the weight of the organic, would-be waste you provide us, and our Referral Rewards Program, which rewards you with finished compost for referring friends and family to us!

Additionally, while our hope is that you would have already familiarized yourself with our Privacy Policy and our Terms of Service prior to subscribing with us, we understand if you didn’t do so, for whatever reason. That said, we suggest you take some time to read through them, whenever you have a spare moment, to ensure that you understand our policies, especially when it comes to things like refunds and your rights and responsibilities with regards to the use of our services.

If you still have questions or concerns, or are just unsure about anything, please do not hesitate to Contact Us. We are always here to help!